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Idaho Falls Power offers a rebate or zero-interest loan to all eligible single family and manufactured households that install a qualified thermostat in their home. An application form must be completed and provided to Idaho Falls Power prior to the collection of a rebate or approval for a loan.

Thermostat Type Incentive Eligibility
Advanced Smart Thermostat $126.00
  • Install a qualified advanced smart thermostat. CLICK HERE for a list of qualified models.
  • Electric forced-air furnaces, ASHP, and ground source heat pumps as their primary system qualify.
Line-Voltage Thermostat $16.20
  • Customers must replace thermostats in existing, electrically heated single-family or multifamily homes with digital line-voltage electronic thermostats.
Communicating Line Voltage Thermostat $31.50
  • Existing Single-Family and Existing Multifamily Homes with Zonal Electric Heating

Please call Idaho Falls Power for specific measure and installation requirements.