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Energy / Financial Assistance

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

These programs are available to help individuals and families in need. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps families pay utility bills and weatherize their homes. The program is administered by Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership. For more information or an application, call 208-522-5391.

Energy Assistance Winter Heating Program

The assistance program provides assistance to eligible low-income households, particularly elderly and disabled households, to offset winter home heating costs. It is available November 1 to March 31.

Energy Assistance Crisis Program

Crisis assistance is available year-round, as funding allows, to alleviate a crisis situation for households that have received a disconnect notice or are facing disconnection of services with heat or electric services.

Idaho Weatherization Program

Qualified customers can receive free weatherization services, which may include insulation, refrigerator replacement, efficient lighting, and measures that improve water-heating efficiency.